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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Braids: Heard of 'em?

This was a trend that was let loose a few months ago, when the girls at Mui Mui and Alexander Wang walked the spring runway with long side swept plaits, looking like thoroughbreds. They were supposed to be everywhere, But I haven't seen any on the streets. I haven't heard a word. Not yet. Well, not until I did a hair show last night and they were everywhere.

So now its time for some tough love.

Do it, or I'll apply for a fashion divorce. But you've GOT to do them right.

If you haven't got the hair for it (like me), spend the $5.00 and get yourself a pack of polyester hair in the closest shade to your ends. Pin it in and hit the streets.

Oh, yeah. don't forget to leave it messy, or the look won't work.

Shit Yeah.

Would you like more of a reason?

A+ with honors


  1. I now know what I am doing today!

    Playing with my hair!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    ~ G ~

  2. thats what we're here for..

    ~The MOD~
